Trym is a field in the southern part of the Norwegian sector in the North Sea, three kilometres from the border to the Danish sector. The water depth is 65 metres. Trym was discovered in 1990, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2010. The field is developed with a subsea template including two horizontal production wells, tied to the Harald facility in the Danish sector. Production started in 2011.
Trym is a field in the southern part of the Norwegian sector in the North Sea, three kilometres from the border to the Danish sector. The water depth is 65 metres. Trym was discovered in 1990, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2010. The field is developed with a subsea template including two horizontal production wells, tied to the Harald facility in the Danish sector. Production started in 2011.
Sval Energi AS (50%)
DNO Norge AS (50%)
The well stream is processed on the Harald facility for further transport through the Danish pipeline system via the Tyra field.
Trym is located in licence PL147. DNO Norge AS is operator and owns 50%, whereas Sval Energi AS own the remaining 50%.