Tor is a field in the southern part of the Norwegian sector in the North Sea, 13 kilometres northeast of the Ekofisk field. The water depth is 70 metres. Tor was discovered in 1970, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1973. The field was shut down in 2015. A new PDO for the redevelopment of Tor was approved in 2019. The development includes two subsea templates with eight horizontal production wells, tied-back to the Ekofisk Centre. Production started again in 2020.
Tor is a field in the southern part of the Norwegian sector in the North Sea, 13 kilometres northeast of the Ekofisk field. The water depth is 70 metres. Tor was discovered in 1970, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1973. The field was shut down in 2015. A new PDO for the redevelopment of Tor was approved in 2019. The development includes two subsea templates with eight horizontal production wells, tied-back to the Ekofisk Centre. Production started again in 2020.
Sval Energi AS (6.6%)
ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS (30.7%)
TotalEnergies EP Norge (48.2%)
Vår Energi ASA (10.8%)
Petoro AS (3.7%)
The well stream is transported by pipeline to the processing facility at the Ekofisk Centre and further to Teesside in the UK and Emden in Germany.
ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS is operator and owns 30.7%, whereas TotalEnergies EP Norge AS, Vår Energi ASA, Sval Energi AS and Petoro AS own 48.2%, 10.8%, 6.6% and 3.7%, respectively.